Sample of DoSS Journal
Disnemation #101 - 2023
The first issue of Disnemation was published in August 1986 with the purpose of keeping interested subscribers up to date on what was happening in the wonderful world of Disney philately. At that time your Editor had the support of a number of Disney collectors, the Disney Archives and the Intergovernmental Philatelic Corporation. For the first few years IGPC was there when I needed them but as time went on Press Releases started arriving later and later and it became increasingly difficult to keep up with the new issues. This was before the internet changed our lives and we were dependent on snail mail both to gather and distribute information. By 1998 information had been reduced to virtually nothing and coupled with my own disillusion with the deluge of new issues, I decided to cease publication.
In November 1998 the newsletter Disnemation stopped publishing with issue #50, shortly after entering it's 13th year.
Fast forward to 2010. I continued to collect Disney Stamps in the intervening years and write articles for various philatelic publications so I did not completely lose touch with the Disney philatelic community. When I started looking into republishing my Handbook of Disney Philately, first published in the early 1990s, I contacted the American Topical Association and they were interested in an updated edition. Working on the new handbook rekindled my interest in a Disneyana on Stamps Study Unit so in mid-November 2011 I started sending out membership applications to see how many people were interested in a new and improved Disnemation. Within a month I had 13 members and as 10 of these were ATA members I applied to ATA to become a study unit.
ATA Study Unit status was approved on 3 January 2012 and the next day Disnemation, the newsletter/journal of DoSS, was launched with access to members only. There are now over 300 members from all over the world and we continue to grow. Countries represented: Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Cyprus, Egypt, Faroe Islands, Finland, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kuwait, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Oman, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Singapore, Spain, South Africa, Sweden, Taiwan, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States and Viet Nam.