A Study Unit of the American Topical Association
You are invited to become a member of the DISNEYANA on STAMPS SOCIETY, an organization of devoted topical philatelists collecting stamps, first day covers, meters, cancels and other philatelic items relating to Walt Disney and his legacy.
ATA Membership is not needed for DoSS Membership.
The newsletter Disnemation is online only. Members can view the updated Disnemation newsletter in colour online four times a year from the DISNEYANA on STAMPS SOCIETY website and will be notified by email when the new issue is ready. Site access will be password controlled for members only. Membership is FREE! Only those lines in Red are necessary - the others are voluntary.
Name: ________________________________________________________________________
Street Address: _______________________________________________________________
City: __________________________________________________________________________
State / Province: ______________________________Country_________________________
Zip / Postal Code: ___________________________________________________
Email Address: _____________________________________________________
ATA Membership #_______________( ATA Membership is not needed for DoSS Membership.)
Other Philatelic Organizations: ____________________________________________________
Disney Collecting Interests such as stamps, s/s, FDCs, Commercial Covers, Cancels. (Optional)
Other Topical Interests: __________________________________________________________
Do you want your name, email address, and collecting interests published on the site?
Yes ___No___
Copy and send to William Silvester (ATA#50394) - disnemation@yahoo.ca