Continued from Page 1
* Information withheld by request
383 - Ignacio *
384 - Patience *
385 - William *
386 - Jeanne and Tom - USA - Disney stamps, s/s and fdc - thynameisholy@aol.com
387 - Bob Sangwell - UK -Disney stamp sets, fdcs and everything else Disney - bob@sangwells.co.uk
388 - Alok Jain - INDIA - interests not specified - alokjain.dev@gmail.com
389 - Mary Ellen *
390 - Carl *
391 - Tom Elkins - USA - a new collector who has fallen in love with Disney stamps - toebig@yahoo.com
392 - Richard *
393 - Sherry *
394 - Robert *
395 - Clete Delvaux - USA - Disney stamps that feature literature - JAPOS - cletus.delvaux@gmail.com
396 - Jeffrey Wisniewski - USA - Jeffsw3@outlook.com
397 - Paolo *
398 - Robert *
399 - Jezabel Pagan - USA - interested in everything - jpgFLIB@gmail.com
400 - Jeffrey L. Whitney - USA - stamps and sheets - jlw3535@gmail.com
401 - Danielle *
402 - Benjamin Hancock - USA - stamps - Hancockben333@gmail.com
403 - Joel Antkowiak - USA - stamps - just starting - mrkillie@comcast.net
404 - Robert Bouchard - USA - bouchard79@verizon.net
405 - Ann Rorie - USA - All Disney - anrorie@aol.com
406 - Lynne Chouinard - CANADA - stamps, sheets/books/albums, philately related - lynne.chouinard@gmail.com
407 - Satish Sondh - USA - stamps and s/s - sksondhil @gmail.com
408 - Sandipan Chakraborty - INDIA - Collecting mainly Mickey and friends - stamps, s/s, postcards, covers - forsan77ever@gmail.com
409 - Lynette *
410 - Robert *
411 - Douglas H. Henkle - USA - WWII Combat Insignia Poster Stamps - henkle@pobox.com
412 - Rachel *
413 - Mike McKenzie - USA - Disney stamps - d.mckenzie1139@sbcglobal.net
414 - Jorgie Vega - USA - Disney stamps, S/S, commercial covers, cancels, special events - jorgievega455@gmail.com
415 - John Davis Reynolds Jr - USA - Disney characters, Marvel, DC, Star Wars, Anime, Harry Potter, Sci-Fi, Lord of the Rings, Steam Punk, Cartoons, Star Trek, Horror -
416 - Andrew Giusto - USA - Disney s/s specifically those from African and Asian countries - mragiusto@gmail.com
417 -Michael Albrecht - USA - pembrokewelshmichael@gmail.com
​418 - Emanuele Genovese - ITALY - Disney stamps -nnemage@gmail.com
419 - Natalie Herradon - USA - Disney stamps - nherr004@gmail.com
420 - Glenn *
421 - Andre Consalter - Brasil - Donald Duck stamps, s/s, fdcs, cancels and postmarks, postcards, postal stationery - aconsalter@gmail.com
422 - Patty Rollings - USA - Mostly Disney stamps - pattyrollings2024@gmail.com
423 - Pamela Lane - USA - Disney stamps and s/s - ziggymonster@seanet.com
424 - Javier Garcia Liebana - SPAIN - Disney stamps and similar - jgliebana@gmail.com